Thursday, January 21, 2016

#Productivity #TipsforYou

What is the ONE thing that all teachers need? If you guessed time, you are right! This month, we are sharing productivity tips, tools, and apps. Here are a few of my favorites:
  1. Move an Email to Outlook Calendar- Select the email and drag it to the calendar icon (bottom left of the Outlook window). When the appointment window pops up, modify the date/time/details to block out time to address the email
  2. Give your mouse a rest and review some keyboard shortcuts here.
  3. When you receive a document that needs to be signed, don’t print it out. Save a tree and use Hello Sign. (Click here for an overview of how it works.) To get started, visit the Hello Sign web site or download the Chrome extension to use in Gmail. 
What are your favorite productivity tips? Do you have an app that you love? Leave a comment and share your favorites.

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